Renewable Energy Association of Zimbabwe (REAZ) is a non- governmental and non-profit making organisation. The mandate of REAZ is to facilitate the sustainable development and uptake of Renewable Energy Technologies in Zimbabwe to the benefit of its members, stakeholders and consumers. REAZ was formed at a ZERA Net Metering Workshop on 5th of February 2014 after the stakeholders identified that there was an increase in demand for energy and power products and services. Also, the market had experienced an increased interest in renewable energy increase in the number of players. REAZ was formed for all the energy stakeholders to speak with one voice. A Constitution was crafted and approved at an EGM on the 29th of January 2016 and a substantive Committee was elected at the same meeting.
REAZ Partnered with Power for All a ‘global campaign to promote distributed energy’ and outreach Programmes were carried out in Harare, Gweru, Mutare, Masvingo & Bulawayo and these were done in partnership with Ministry of Energy and Power Development. REAZ has over 20 members to date including big companies such as Green Fuel, Nyangani Renewable Energy, Solar Energy Projects, Zimbabwe Bio Energy, Tendo Electronics and Rusununguko Nkululeko Holdings.