In the past decade India had seen several initiatives from the GoI and development organisations to promote this category and make people aware of these products, as well as making them available. Notable among such are Off-grid and Decentralized Solar PV Applications Programme-Phase III, Atal Jyoti Yojana (AJAY) – Phase II, Seven Million Solar Study Lamp Scheme for School Going Children, and IFC Lighting Asia/India program from the World Bank Group. All such initiatives have been closed now and there is practically no ongoing support or focus for the sector.
The decline of SHS and lantern sales in India accompanied by the improved energy access has raised questions on the current state of the market and possible future role of lanterns and SHS in India. However, there is a paradox in the fact that despite the near universal energy access reports, India continues to be the second largest market in the World after Kenya and ahead of several large off-grid markets in Asia and Sub-Sharan Africa.
This research will help inform GOGLA and its members on the current market status, future market needs and outlook. It will also inform the basis of GOGLAs engagement with policy makers and other partners in India on the off-grid solar sector.
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