Consumer Protection Principles & Indicators

Consumer Protection Principles

The six Consumer Protection Principles set the minimum standards of practice, and are the foundation of the CP Code. The principles have been defined by GOGLA’s Consumer Protection Working Group, with contributions from companies, investors and other stakeholders, and represent the minimum standards of practice consumers should expect from an off-grid solar company. 

Lisez les principes de protection de consommateurs en français ici.


Consumer Protection Indicators

Consumer Protection Indicators improving performance against the CP Principles requires regular measurement and monitoring. The Indicators measure each of the six Principles, plus overarching governance and management performance. 

The Self-Assessment Tool helps companies easily assess their performance against the Indicators and monitor improvements. The results can also be used to facilitate a dialogue between companies and investors by providing quantitative data and evidence of performance in a standardised format.

The process to define the Indicators was led by GOGLA’s Consumer Protection Working Group and included several consultation rounds, trial self-assessments with several companies, and focus groups discussions with consumers. This group is responsible for maintaining the standards and will make periodic additions and revisions.