Establishing and Running a National Renewable Energy Association

Setting up a new industry association is relatively easy; sustaining it is much harder. It helps to think through the fundamental aspects early on. This section of the NREA Portal provides insights on association governance, financial management, reporting, resource mobilization and gender inclusivity. Find more information and resources in each module below


This module covers the fundamentals of good organisational governance of an association as well as relevant resources and training materials.

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Financial Management and Reporting

This module covers the basics of good financial management, namely: developing a financial strategy, financial documentation and reporting, budgeting, income generation, internal controls, and financial policies.


Resource Mobilisation

This module covers the basics of proposal writing and resource mobilisation and provides links to relevant resources and training materials.

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Gender Inclusion

This module covers the basics of gender inclusion within NREAs and provides links to relevant resources and training materials.

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