responsAbility Investments AG

Image for responsAbility Investments AG

responsAbility is a sustainable investment house that specializes in impact.

Impact investments for a sustainable world.

responsAbility Investments AG is a leading impact asset manager specializing in private market investments across three investment themes to directly contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Financial Inclusion, to finance the growth of Micro & SMEs; Climate Finance, to contribute to a net zero pathway; and Sustainable Food, to sustainably feed an ever-growing population. All responsAbility investment solutions target specific measurable impact alongside market returns. They all meet the criteria under Article 9 of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

Since its inception in 2003, responsAbility has deployed over USD 13 billion in impact investments. With over 200 employees collaborating across seven offices, as of 31 December 2022 the company manages USD 3.5 billion in assets across 280 portfolio companies in 75 countries. Since 2022 responsAbility is part of M&G plc, the international savings, and investments business, and contributes to enhancing M&G’s capabilities in impact investing.

Zurich, Switzerland


Rochus Mommartz

Emerging markets

We use blended finance vehicles to mobilize private capital for investment in the energy access sector – a sector that would otherwise be considered too risky for private investors. Through these vehicles, we invest in several energy access companies.

We have also contributed to innovative structuring mechanisms to de-risk energy access investments.

Network – GOGLA can help to keep us connected to other market players through collaboration and knowledge-sharing initiatives.

Sector building – GOGLA can contribute to growth in the sector through its various initiatives to create more investible energy access opportunities for the future.

Data – GOGLA provides benchmarking / market information that allows us to compare investment opportunities against standardized KPIs.