Data Portal
GOGLA, with the support of partners and donors, leads data collection and market intelligence initiatives which support the sector by providing robust insights into the off-grid solar market helping companies, investors, governments and development partners make informed decisions about the sector.
Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022
Over the past decade, the biennial Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report (MTR) has been the go-to source of sector information for investors, industry members, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the sector. The two-part 2022 MTR Series is published by the World Bank’s Lighting Global, the International Finance Corporation, GOGLA, Efficiency for Access Coalition, and Open Capital Advisors.
Powering Opportunity Series
Supported by UKAID, the Powering Opportunities Series was a flagship research programme held between 2018-2020 to better understand the socio-economic impacts of solar home systems.
Semi-Annual Global Off-Grid Solar Market Reports
Every six months, GOGLA, The World Bank Group’s Lighting Global program and the Efficiency for Access Coalition publish the Global Off-Grid Solar Market Report, a market intelligence series on sales and impact of off-grid solar lighting products and appliances, sold by GOGLA affiliates.