While it may be exciting to immediately begin contributing towards advocating an issue of general importance, it is advisable to first ensure that you focus on knowing your membership, understanding the most important services they want from their membership, and developing a strategy that best responds to and supports their membership needs over the long term.
The materials below cover the fundamentals of business development and membership services, as well as how to attract new members and engage with your current ones.
1. PowerUp!: Business Development training (membership development and additional revenue streams) by SPE (2/12/2020)
- Slides:
- Recording:
- Coming soon
2. Tools and Resources:c
- ACE TAF NREA portal
- GOGLA, SPE, ARE – NREA Handbook “Part 2: Membership Development”
- SEQUA, Attracting New Members/Membership Administration
- Checklist on p. 26 in ILO, The Effective Employers’ Organisation, Guides 1-4
- BMO Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (Section 2)
- SEQUA, Attracting New Members/Membership Administration, Chapter 3
- Centre for International Private Enterprise (2016), Business Associations for the 21st Century
- SEQUA, Manual on Income Generating Services, p. 44-52
- IFC, Building the Capacity of Business Member Organizations, p. 100-103
- Centre for International Private Enterprise (2016), Business Associations for the 21st Century. Chapter 4